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Plastic Molded Arts - PMA Dolls 1949-1960s

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Shop for PMA Plastic Molded Arts dolls

Shop for Plastic Molded Arts PMA dolls


PMA 1950s Bride doll 11" tall

Plastic Molded Arts a New Yok licensed plastic doll manufacturer or PMA as collectors refer to them, produced thousands of hard plastic dolls and doll parts in the 1950s, both for their own use, as well as sold to other doll makers.


PMA is best known for their small Ginny look a like dolls and hard plastic walker type dolls.  


Vintage Plastic Molded Arts PMA Dolls Identified 

1950s Plastic Molded Arts Twinkle Toes doll, 10" tall, all hard plastic, sleep eyes, saran wig, is also a stepping stepper doll.

1950s PMA Twinkle Toes doll, 10"

1950s Twinkle Toes doll, 10"


1950s Plastic Molded Arts Walking Girl Doll, 14" tall, all hard plastic, walker, wearing original clothing of a plaid with lace trim jumper over a blouse with white socks and shoes, with her original hang tag, doll mark on back Plastic Molded Arts Co. L.I.C New York.  

Photo courtesy of Jane.

1950s PMA Walking Girl Doll, 14"

1950s Walking Girl Doll, 14"

1950s Plastic Molded Arts Miss Babbitt doll, 20" tall, Big Sister doll of Little Miss Babbitt, 20" tall, hard plastic, sleep eyes, rooted bubble cut hair style, high heel feet; came wearing a cotton sun suit with high heel shoes. Separate wardrobe was available for purchase, doll is unmarked.

Big Sister Miss Babbitt doll is an advertising doll for the Bab-O-Cleanser Company.


1950s PMA Miss Babbitt doll,  20"

1950s Miss Babbitt doll,  20"


1959 Plastic Molded Arts Little Miss Babbitt doll, 10" tall, hard plastic head with sleep eyes, wigged, hollow plastic body (like a Dress Me doll) jointed at the neck and shoulders only, straight legs with high heel feet; came wearing a yellow, green and orange floral print sleeveless dress with a sheer white apron, white plastic open toe shoes. Separate wardrobe of seven outfits were available for purchase.  Doll is unmarked.

Little Miss Babbitt doll is an advertising doll for the Bab-O-Cleanser Company.


1959 PMA Little Miss Babbitt doll, 10"

1959 Little Miss Babbitt doll, 10"

1950s PMA Bride doll, 11"

1950s Plastic Molded Arts Bride doll, 11" tall, hard plastic, sleep eyes, wig of mohair, straight non-jointed or bending legs, came dressed in bride outfit with veil.  Looks like the same face mold used for Miss Joan but without the jointed knees. Doll is unmarked.

There is also a molded haired doll similar to this Bride dolls face, with stationary non-bending legs and sleep eyes. 


1950s PMA Bride doll face, 11"

1950s Bride doll, 11"

1950s PMA Molded hair girl doll face, 11"1950sPlastic Molded Arts Molded hair girl doll, 11" tall, all hard plastic, molded hair, stationary eyes, closed mouth, straight non-jointed or bending legs.

Photo courtesy of Startlightstarbright.

Plastic Molded Arts doll mark PMF inside a circle

Doll mark PMF inside a circle, on back of the Molded hair girl doll


PMA 1950s Molded hair girl doll, 11"

1950s Molded hair girl doll, 11"

1950s Plastic Molded Arts Chubby Girl doll, 10 1/2" tall, all hard plastic, wigged, sleep eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, head turning walker, doll marked Plastic Molded Arts Co. L.I.C New York.

PMA 1950s Chubby girl doll

1950s Chubby Girl doll, 10 1/2"


1952 Plastic Molded Arts Colgate-Palmolive Fab, Incline Walking doll, 6" tall, all hard plastic, jointed at the hips, painted molded blonde hair, blue side glancing sleep eyes, closed mouth, dressed in a sleeveless red and white polka dot dress, painted white socks and black shoes, doll marked on bottom of foot PMA.  The Incline walking doll was made by Plastic Molded Arts as an Advertising doll for Colgate-Palmolive Fab soap detergent.


1952 Colgate-Palmolive Fab Incline Walking doll, 6"


1953 Plastic Molded Arts Joanie Pigtails doll, 8" tall, is a head turning walker, saran wig, sleep eyes with heavy painted lashes, molded on slippers by PMA Doll Company.  

Joanie Pigtails also came as a Joanie Travel wardrobe doll, Joanie Wedding Belle with a Bridal wardrobe and a Joanie Walker doll that has much more pointed eyebrows than the regular Joanie Pigtails doll.  

Niresk Industries also sold a similar doll named Janie Pigtail 8" tall, also unmarked.


1953 PMA Joanie Pigtails doll, 8"

1953 Joanie Pigtails doll, 8"


1956-1957 Plastic Molded Arts Miss Joan doll, 12" tall, all hard plastic, 1956 saran wig or 1957 vinyl head with rooted hair, sleep eyes with painted lower lashes, jointed at neck, shoulders, hips and knees, high heel feet, walker doll, wore a lace teddy, stockings.  

 1957 PMA Miss Joan doll mark Pat's Pend.

Plastic Molded Arts Miss Joan doll mark Pat's Pend.


1956-1957 PMA Miss Joan doll, 12"

1956-1957 Miss Joan doll, 12"


1958 Plastic Molded Arts Little Miss Joan doll, 8-9" tall, all hard plastic, wigged, sleep eyes with painted lower lashes, jointed at neck, shoulders, hips and just above the knees, high heel feet, walker doll, same as the above Miss Joan doll only smaller, came with a wardrobe that could be purchased separately including a mink stole. Unknown how Little Miss Joan doll is marked, may be like the above doll.


1958 PMA Little Miss Joan doll 8-9"

1958 Little Miss Joan doll, 8-9"


1959-1961 Plastic Molded Arts Linda Williams doll, 14, 18 & 30" tall, the largest size 30 is a walker doll, Angela Cartwright character from the Danny Thomas TV show "Make Room For Daddy", a 14" doll was made by Plastic Molded Arts Company, and the Natural Doll Company also made the Linda Williams doll. Was possibly a mail-in-premium from the General Foods Company.  14" size doll is marked on head: Linda Williams.

Thank you Andrea Nowlin! for sharing that Plastic Molded Arts also made this doll, Andrea is the great-niece of the owner of the Plastic Molded Arts Doll Company of Long Island, NY USA.


PMA 1959 Linda Williams doll, 14"

1959 Linda Williams doll, 14"

1960-1961 Plastic Molded Arts Debby doll, 11 1/2" tall, Barbie like competitor, uses the Uneeda or clone Bild Lilli doll head mold that is marked with a U, doll is not shown in original clothing, which was probably a swimsuit.

1960 PMA Debby doll, 11 1/2"

1960 Debby doll, 11 1/2"

1960s Plastic Molded Arts Fashion Doll, 10" tall, hard plastic jointed doll with vinyl head and rooted hair, sleep eyes, high heel feet, doll marked PMA.

1960s PMA Fashion Doll, 10"

1960s Fashion Doll, 10"

Plastic Molded Arts PMA Dolls Not Shown


1949+ Plastic Molded Arts Dressed Dress Me type dolls, 7 1/2-8" tall, Dress Me type dolls all hard plastic, boys with painted hair girls with glued on mohair wigs, sleep eyes,  painted eyebrows, some with molded eye lashes or painted, jointed at the shoulders, stationary legs with painted shoes, original clothing is stapled to the doll, so it is usually still on the doll today, dolls are unmarked.    Dolls came in a square box with a clear cello on front to show the doll off. 


Some of the Dress-Me dolls named outfits: Alice in Wonderland, Captain Hook, Crusader, Little Debbie Cakes (advertising doll), Greenbriar Maid, Graduate, Bride, Lady Hampshire,  Lady Ravencroft, Miss 1953, Miss America, Miss Valentine, Polish Girl, Priscilla Alden, Scotch Groom, Sonya Sunshine, Suzy Walker, Undressed dolls to dress yourself and many, many others.  PMA also sold these small dolls and doll parts to other doll makers to dress and sell.


1953 Plastic Molded Arts Stepping Steppers doll, 10" tall, head turning walker, all hard plastic, saran wig, sleep eyes, closed mouth, jointed at neck, shoulders and hips, straight legs with flat feet, doll mark PMA or unmarked.


ca. 1960s Plastic Molded Arts Tammy clone, 12" tall and Plastic Molded Arts Peggy a Pepper clone doll, 9" tall, Peggy is marked SD for Standard Doll Company who made her for PMA.


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