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Terri Lee  Dolls 1946-1962

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 Shop for Terri Lee dolls

Shop for Terri Lee dolls

1947 Terri Lee, 16" tall, hard plastic

1947 Terri Lee doll, 16" tall, hard plastic

jointed body, hand painted face

Violet Lee Gradwohl (1901-1971) created the Terri Lee doll Company (1946-1962) which is noted for their Terri Lee dolls, named after the founders daughter Harriet Wilma Gradwohl Schrepel who used the name "Terri Lee" (1927-1998). 


There is an entire family of companion Terri Lee dolls, all beautifully costumed, identified and shown below. 


Terri Lee Associates was formed in 1997 from members of the original company founders and are reproducing some of their best and most popular original dolls, as well as new products.   


Terri Lee Dolls Identified

1946-1947 Terri Lee doll, 16" tall, all composition, painted facial features, wigged, doll marked Terri Lee Pat. Pending in raised letters. Sometimes referred to as having "stiff" hair.


1947-1962 Terri Lee doll, 16" tall, hard plastic and vinyl.  1947-1949 Terri Lee Pat. Pending marked in raised letters.  1950-1961 doll is marked Terri Lee.  Also a talking doll was issued, see 1961 entry below. 


Some Terri Lee dolls were dressed in a Girl Scout or a Brownie two piece dress and hat outfit. There were many other outfits available separately for Terri Lee, usually tagged


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1946-1947 Terri Lee doll 16" composition


1946-1947 Terri Lee Jerri Lee doll, 16" tall made of all composition, Jerri Lee is basically a Terri Lee doll with modifications, marked the same as Terri Lee, Terri Lee Pat. Pending in raised letters. 


1947-1962 Terri Lee Jerri Lee doll, 16" tall, boy doll, hard plastic and vinyl, shown with Terri Lee, both dressed in original cowboy attire.  Doll marked Terri Lee.


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1950s Jerri Lee & Terri Lee dolls


1953-1954 Freydberg Mary Jane doll, 17" tall, all hard plastic more slender body than Terri Lee, wigged, sleep flirty eyes, closed wider mouth than Terri Lee, head turning walker, clone of the Terri Lee doll, Mary Jane is an unmarked doll, made by G. H. & E. Freydberg, Inc.  and Kathryn Kay Toy Kreations, Inc. owned by Kathryn Fassel.  Terri Lee successfully protected their Terri Lee doll copyright and won the suit in 1954, all Mary Jane doll molds and any finished product was then destroyed, the company restructured with a new Mary Jane doll product and new name; of Togs and Dolls.


1955-1957 Togs and Dolls Corp. Mary Jane doll, 17" tall, vinyl head with brown rooted hair, hard plastic jointed head turning walker body, sleep eyes with real eyelashes, closed mouth, doll is unmarked, came with a hangtag that states; "My name is Mary Jane I am made of Celanese acetate plastic I have 36 pretty outfits.  Do you have them all?'


1953-1954 Freydberg Mary Jane doll 17"

1953-1954 Freydberg

Mary Jane doll 17"

1947-1958 Terri Lee Benji doll, 16" tall, black doll, hard plastic and vinyl, walker type, Doll marked Terri Lee.

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1947-1958 Benji doll 16"

1950s Terri Lee Bonnie Lou doll, 16" tall, black doll, hard plastic and vinyl, doll marked Terri Lee.

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1950s Bonnie Lou doll 16"

1950s Terri Lee Nanook Eskimo doll, 16" tall, straight across bangs on forehead, picture shown is of the reproduction doll, doll marked Terri Lee.

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1950s Nanook Eskimo doll 16"

1950-1951 Terri Lee Patti Jo doll, 16" tall, black doll.  Doll marked Terri Lee.

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1950-1951 Patti Jo doll 16"

1950-1951 Terri Lee Linda Lee baby doll or Terri Lee, Linda Baby doll, 10" tall, all vinyl baby type doll, molded hair.   The rare black Linda Baby doll is named Terri Lee, Little Coco baby doll.   Both dolls marked Terri Lee.

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1950-1951 Linda Baby doll 10"

1952-1958 Terri Lee So-Sleepy doll a version of Linda Baby doll with closed eyes, 9 1/2" tall, all vinyl baby type doll.  Doll marked Terri Lee.

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1952-1958 So-Sleepy doll, 9 1/2"

1955 Terri Lee Connie Lynn doll, 18" tall, baby type doll marked Terri Lee.

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1955 Connie Lynn doll 18"

1950s Terri Lee Ginger Girl Scout doll, 8" tall, dressed in a Girl Scout or Brownie outfit.  Doll marked Terri Lee.

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1950s Ginger doll, 8"

1955-1958 Tiny Terri Lee doll or Tiny Jerri Lee doll, 10" tall, also came dressed in Girl Scout or Brownie outfit, doll marked © copyright symbol.

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1955-1958 Tiny Terri Lee doll 10"


1961-1965 Terri Lee talking doll, 16" tall, the Terri Lee doll molds were sold to several companies during this time period, who produced a talking doll.  The Terry Lee Company reclaimed their doll molds thru litigation by 1965, but several companies produced dolls during this period.  Magna Enterprises and I & S Industries seem to be two of several companies that produced the talking dolls. 


This seems to be a rare and HTF doll and few surface for sale at auctions or anywhere else.

Photo courtesy Lynda Snyder

1961 Terri Lee 16" talking doll face 

1960s Terri Lee talking doll 16"


1999 Terri Lee 50th Anniversary doll, 16" tall, (manufactured in partnership with Knickerbocker Toy Co., from the original Terri Lee mold), hard plastic PVC, painted eyes, closed mouth, wigged, wearing the Tea Time dress in pink, limited edition of 5,000 doll is marked:  Terri Lee (like the original). 

Knickerbocker was licensed to produce Terri Lee dolls from 1999-2001 in partnership with Terri Lee Associates.  In 2002 Terri Lee Associates began solely producing the dolls and continued to reproduce dolls.

1999 Terri Lee 50th Doll

    Terri Lee Doll Resources:

     Terri Lee Dolls Identification and Price Guide book in 2001 by Peggy Wiedman Casper.

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