Doll Categories

D - Doll Makers Labels, Marks & Symbol Images

Identifying a doll makers mark, if one is present, is often found on the back of the dolls head, on the back, under arms, bottoms of the feet, check your doll carefully, the mark could be placed anywhere and many dolls were unmarked, just sold with a wrist tag that is long gone.


Doll marks are also found by Country;  American, English, French, German, German marks unknown, by Material Celluloid, Composition, Hard Plastic / Vinyl.

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D & D doll mark unknown

D N doll mark USA, unknown

D N doll mark USA, unknown

D'Autremont doll mark Paris 6 Rue De Dauphin 6

D'Autremont doll mark Paris 6 Rue De Dauphin 6

Daddy's Long Leg doll mark © DLL 1995

Daddy's Long Leg doll mark © DLL 1995

Daisy Dolls storybook doll mark, USA 1940s

Daisy Dolls doll mark America USA

All bisque storybook type 8" small dolls

Cowan De Groot doll mark CODEG logol

Cowan De Groot doll mark CODEG symbol

Drew DeRoses porcelain doll mark signature

Drew DeRoses porcelain doll mark signature

Damerval & Laffranchy Fréres doll mark Montreuil France DL

Damerval & Laffranchy Fréres doll mark Montreuil France DL

also called Darneval et Lafranch

© Dam Things Establishment 1964 doll mark

© Dam Things Establishment 1964 doll mark

Dan & Ea. Inc. Danea porcelain doll mark JSCO46C NJSF

Dan & Ea. Inc. Danea porcelain doll mark JSCO46C NJSF

Danbury Mint doll mark © MBI

Danbury Mint doll mark © MBI

Danel & Cie doll mark B8F, E1D, E5D, E8D

Danel & Cie doll mark BF, ED Depose, ED Dep France, ED

Danjard doll mark Poupon Dep

Danjard doll mark Poupon Dep

F.E. Darrows doll mark Patent May 1st 1866

F.E. Darrow Manufacturing Company doll mark Patent May 1st 1866

Daspres doll mark EDB Paris

Daspres doll mark EDB Paris

Davis & Voetsch, The Dee Vee Doll company doll mark D.V., Dee Vee

Davis & Voetsch, The Dee Vee Doll company doll mark D.V., Dee Vee

Jeanne De Kasparek Sans Rival art doll mark crown crest over shield symbol

Jeanne De Kasparek Sans Rival art doll mark crown crest over shield symbol

Yves De Villiers doll mark Poupees Raynal label New York

Yves De Villiers doll mark Poupees Raynal label New York

Dean's Rag Book doll mark DRB Co, D.R.B. Co. Lo., DRBC

Dean's Rag Book Company doll mark DRB Co, D.R.B. Co. Lo., DRBC


Dee & Cee doll mark D & C

Dee & Cee doll mark D&C




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De Fuisseaux doll mark D. F. B., F1, B3

DeFuisseaux doll mark D FB, F1, B3

Theodor Degenring, Günthersfeld Porzellanfabrik doll mark two crossed swords initial G in side a circle

Theodor Degenring, Günthersfeld Porzellanfabrik doll mark two crossed swords initial G in side a circle

Carl Dehler doll mark D.G.

Carl Dehler doll mark DG

E. Dehler doll mark EHD

E. Dehler doll mark EHD

Wilhelm Dehler doll mark WD#

Wilhelm Dehler doll mark WD3 

 Auguste Dehors doll mark A Dehors deposee JP2

Auguste Dehors doll mark A Dehors deposee JP2

Louis Delachal doll mark DL on shield with dog symbol

Louis Delachal doll mark DL on shield with dog symbol

Delacoste doll mark D inside a circle

Delacoste & Company doll mark D inside a circle, see Baisle Derolland

Charles Delattre doll mark CD 60 Rue Mazarine Paris

Charles Delattre doll mark CD 60 Rue Mazarine Paris

Henri Delcroix doll mark Paris HD, GD Paris, XS Paris, Pan Paris

Henri Delcroix doll mark Paris HD, GD Paris, XS Paris, Pan Paris

Alexandre Delhayes Freres doll mark A.D.

Alexandre Delhayes Freres doll mark AD

Etienne Denamur doll marks E8D, E9D, E10D Depose

Etienne Denamur doll marks ED, ED, ED Depose

Otto Ernst Denivelle doll mark Deco

Otto Ernst Denivelle doll mark Deco


Dennis, Malley & Company doll mark Demalco 5/0 Germany

Dennis, Malley & Company doll mark Demalco 5/0 Germany


Baisle Derolland doll mark D inside circle

Baisle Derolland doll mark D inside circle


Diamond Pottery doll mark doll mark DPCo 46-6, 67-9 British Make DPCo

Diamond Pottery doll mark doll mark DPCo 46-6, 67-9 British Make DPCo

Diamond Tile Co. doll mark England with diamond symbol

Diamond Tile Company doll mark England with diamond symbol with size numbers

Johannes Gotthilf Dietrich doll mark Igodi

Erich Dittmann doll mark doll mark Edi D.R.M.G, Edi Germany, Edi Puppen

Erich Dittmann doll mark doll mark Edi D.R.M.G, Edi Germany, Edi Puppen

Louis Doléac & Cie doll mark LD

Louis Doléac & Cie doll mark LD

Doll Corporation of America doll mark DOMEC

Doll Corporation of America doll mark DOMEC, see Century Doll Company

Dominion Toy Manufacturing Company doll mark Made in Canada DTMC

Dominion Toy Manufacturing Company doll mark Made in Canada DTMC

Dornheim, Koch & Fischer doll mark 882 10 DKF

Dornheim, Koch & Fischer doll mark 882 10 DKF

Julius Dorst doll mark HD

Julius Dorst doll mark HD

Dovina doll mark Vh Dovina

Dovina doll mark Vh Dovina

Grace Drayton doll mark September morning Germany

Grace Drayton doll mark September morning Germany

Cuno & Otto Dressel doll mark symbol winged helmet ED

Cuno & Otto Dressel doll mark symbol winged helmet ED

Dressel & Kister doll mark a staff DKP

Dressel & Kister doll mark a staff DKP

Dressel & Koch doll mark 9/0 D & K dep

Dressel & Koch doll mark 9/0 D & K dep

Duckme Doll Company doll mark Sweetie Kid Made of Wood Fibre Composition Design Patent Serial Number 238398, March 4, 1919

  Duckme Doll Company Sweetie Kid doll mark Design Patent Serial Number 238398, March 4, 1919

Charles Dummig doll mark No. 812 Chestnut St. Philadelphia

Charles Dummig doll mark No. 812 Chestnut St. Philadelphia

E. Dumont doll mark E.D.

E. Dumont doll mark ED

Otave Durand doll mark Tanagrette

Otave Durand doll mark Tanagrette

Dura Porcelain Company doll mark DU 28 RA (Empress Pottery)

Dura Porcelain Company doll mark DU 28 RA (Empress Pottery)

Duval-Denis doll mark DD

Duval-Denis doll mark DD

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