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Uneeda Dolls 1962-1979

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Shop for Uneeda dolls







1962 Uneeda Miss Suzette doll, 11 1/2"

1962 Uneeda Miss Suzette doll, 11 1/2"

Uneeda Doll Company was founded in 1917 in  Brooklyn, New York and continued to produce dolls until it's demise in 1991.  This page is dedicated to vinyl and hard plastic Uneeda dolls made from 1962 until 1979


Uneeda was also known as the Tony Toy Company of Hong Kong, as some dolls are marked.


1962-1979 Uneeda Vintage Dolls Identified

1962 Uneeda Miss Suzette doll, 11 1/2" tall, (HTF Barbie clone or competitor). This doll has an over sized head or "Big Head Suzette", has side glancing black iris eyes, rooted ponytail hair with bangs, (several different colors; blonde, brunette, auburn) and her torso has a unique Y joint connected waist, to the legs.  She wore a blue (several different shades) stretch one piece swimsuit with white trim on the top of the bodice and legs, pearl earrings and white high heel shoes. 


Doll marked on head: N.F.  Marked on back: © Uneeda Doll Co Inc. 1962. 

Sold exclusively thru W. T. Grant stores


1962 Uneeda big head Suzette doll

1962 Miss Suzette doll, 11 1/2", Big head Suzette doll

1962 Uneeda Wendy Ward doll face1962 Uneeda Wendy Ward doll, 11 1/2" tall, has rooted hair, sleep eyes, same Y body construction as the Miss Suzette doll, doll marked on head: N.F.  Marked on back: © Uneeda Doll Co Inc. 1962.  


Both of the sleep eye Wendy Ward dolls are very hard to find and were Montgomery Ward Department store exclusives.  Photo's courtesy of Swit7.

1962 Uneeda Wendy Ward doll body

1962 Wendy Ward doll, 11 1/2", with rooted hair


1962 Uneeda Wendy Ward doll head1962 Uneeda Wendy Ward doll, 11 1/2" tall, same doll as the above but with molded hair, sleep eyes, came with several wigs, a Barbie Fashion Queen clone type, has the same Y body construction, too as the above dolls.  Both of these sleep eye Wendy dolls are hard to find.


Doll marked on head N.F.  Marked on back: © Uneeda Doll Co Inc. 1962.  Same as her above sister, as they used the same body, just a different head. Sold exclusively at Montgomery Ward Department stores.


1962 Uneeda Wendy Ward doll head

1962 Wendy Ward doll, 11 1/2"

molded hair


Bob by Uneeda face 1960's1962 Uneeda Bob doll, 12" tall, molded hair, (Ken clone or competitor), is Miss Suzette's boyfriend, has the similar Y shaped torso and legs. 


Is probably marked like the above two dolls, © Uneeda Doll Co Inc. 1962 and had his own wardrobe. This doll is also quite rare and we have only found him two times in the last six years.  Sold through W. T. Grant stores.


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1962 Bob doll, 12" molded hair

1962 Uneeda Blabby doll, 14 or 18" tall, vinyl head with platinum short rooted hair, vinyl jointed toddler body with the a right arm slightly bent, sleep eyes, closed, open mouth.  

Photo courtesy of Syndee

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1962 Blabby doll 18"

1962 Uneeda Saranade doll, 21" tall, vinyl head with rooted hair, hard plastic jointed body, sleep eyes, closed mouth, has a phonograph and recorder with speaker in her tummy, doll marked Uneeda Doll 1967.

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1962 Saranade doll, 21"

1963 Uneeda Coquette doll, 16" tall, white or black doll, vinyl head with rooted hair, big sleep eyes, closed mouth, vinyl jointed body, marked on head; Uneeda Doll Co. Inc. © 1963 Made in Taiwan.  Believe she came in several different outfits.

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1963 Coquette doll, 16"


1963-1970s  Uneeda Granny and Me dolls, 16" tall Grandma doll with Granddaughter doll who is 7" tall, both with all vinyl dolls with rooted hair; Granny's hair is gray, sleep eyes and Granny has painted on square glasses and a dimple on her chin, both dolls were dressed in long dark gowns with a printed fabric with a pocket on front and nightcap and Granny had a crochet shawl. Granny doll is marked Uneeda Doll Co. Inc. © 1963, this doll head mold was used on other dolls as well. 


1974 Uneeda Grannykins doll, 6" tall, miniatures of the larger dolls that wore several different costumes and also have those painted on square granny glasses. 


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1963-1970s Granny and Me dolls


1964 Uneeda Betsy McCall doll, 11 1/2" tall, (teenager doll) all vinyl, page boy rooted light brown hair with bangs, jointed at the shoulders, neck and hips, sleep eyes with plastic upper lashes, painted lower eye lashes, closed mouth.  see other Betsy McCall dolls.


1964 Betsy McCall doll, 11 1/2"

1964 Uneeda Little Coquette doll, (#9162), about 11" tall, soft vinyl head with rooted hair, hard plastic jointed body, sleep eyes, closed mouth.

1964 Little Coquette doll, 11"

1965 Uneeda Baby Go Go doll, 17" tall, vinyl head with rooted short curly hair, sleep eyes, open mouth, hard plastic jointed body, wore a yellow sleeveless dress, panties, white socks & shoes, yellow hair ribbon, rides on her tricycle bike that's red and yellow.  Model #5181-7.

1965 Baby Go Go doll, 17"

1965 Uneeda Baby Trix doll, 16" tall, vinyl head with rooted blonde hair, posable soft foam body, sleep eyes with closed mouth, wore a bright red romper with white pom poms on front.  Must be a reissue of the earlier doll.

1965 Baby Trix

1965 Baby Trix doll, 16"


1965-1980s Uneeda Pee Wee dolls, 3 1/2" tall, The Pocket Size Doll, lots of various dolls in outfits, earlier dolls are marked  on their feet Pee-Wees T. M., later dolls are much stiffer and don't have the foot marking. The 12 dolls were named;  Dance Time, Night Time, School Time, Nurse Time, Spring Time, Bride Time, Winter Time, Bikini Time, Flower Time, Garden Time, Play Time, Dream Time.


1966 Uneeda Hee-Wee dolls the male version and 1966 Uneeda Baby Pee-Wee dolls.


1973 Pee Wee Debutantes.  1973 Fancy Pants Pee Wees.  1976 Pee Wee Pocket Sized 3 3/".


1981 Precious Pee Wees & Western Pee Wees, 4 1/2".  1983 Pee Wee clowns.  1984 Around the World Pee Wees.  1990s? Posin' Pee Wees.


Palitoy Diddums dolls, about 4" tall, marked Made in Hong Kong, plastic or rubber knock-off Pee Wee like dolls, not to be confused with the earlier Diddums dolls made of cascelluloid.


1965 Pee Wee doll, 3 1/2"

1965 Uneeda Sweetums doll, 13" tall, vinyl head, rooted hair, sleep eyes, open mouth, jointed hard plastic body, re-make of the earlier composition doll.

1965 Sweetums doll, 13"

1966 Uneeda Tiny Treasure doll, 13" tall, big painted eyes, vinyl head, closed mouth, rooted hair, jointed hard plastic body, marked: Uneeda Doll Co. Inc. 1966.  Looks a like clone of Royal's Joy doll, Regal and Horsman also made/sold clones of the Joy doll.

1966 Tiny Treasure doll, 13"


1966 Uneeda Wishnik Troll doll, 2 1/2 - 15" tall, hard vinyl non bending one piece body and head, plastic non sleep eyes, big ears with a tuff of hair, some of the earliest of the troll dolls. 

ca. 1964 Uneeda Troll Flower Fairy Wishnik doll, 7" tall.   Later on many manufacturers made troll dolls from the 1970s to 1990's.   More Wishnik troll doll names dates unknown;  He-Nik doll  Hula-Nik doll  Politik-Nik doll  She-Nik doll  Slugger-Nik doll  Ugh-Nik doll  Wee Nik doll  Wishmaker doll  Wish-Nik doll.


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1966 Wishnik Troll doll, 2 1/2"

1967 Uneeda Dolly Walker doll, 36" tall, Playpal type, Uneeda's 50th Anniversary Doll (1917-1967), tag say's "Child's Dream".


1968 Uneeda Dolly Walker doll, 19" tall, vinyl head and arms, hard plastic jointed body, brown rooted hear, blue sleep eyes, real upper lashes, doll mark U 17/13.

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1967 Dolly Walker doll, 36"

1967 Uneeda Plumpee doll, 6 or 8" tall, squeakers, vinyl or rubber one piece non-jointed body, molded painted hair.  Doll marked UNEEDA DOLL CO. INC., 1967.

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1967 Plumpee doll, 8"

1967 Uneeda TinyTeens Time dolls, 6" tall, vinyl soft bendable body, vinyl head with rooted hair, painted eyes, real eyelashes, closed mouth, doll marked U. D. Co. Inc. 1967 Hong Kong.  


See the TinyTeens Doll page for more details and all the dolls names with photo's.

1967 Uneeda TinyTeens Beau Time doll, 6" tall

1967 Beau Time doll, 6"

1967 Uneeda American Gem Collection or Uneeda Little Sophisticates dolls, 8 1/2" tall, vinyl dolls with rooted hair and closed eyes, painted closed slight smiling mouth,


Six dolls in this series that are 8" tall:  Penelope, Georgina, Rosanna, Marika, Kristina,  and Suzana.  Marked on head & body: U. D. Co. Inc. MCMLXXI Made in Hong Kong.


Uneeda reissued these dolls as Whimsies in the 1970s and Tiny Sophisticates dolls 6 1/2" tall, sometime later.

Georgina 1967

1967 I am Georgina doll

1967 Uneeda Antebellum Southern Belle doll, 24-25" tall, all vinyl with rooted hair, sleep eyes, real upper long lashes, closed mouth dressed in a gown, marked on head: Uneeda 19©67 on back: 8 Uneeda Doll Co 1967.  There were probably different gowns found on this doll.

Uneeda 1967 Antebellum Southern Belle 25"

1967 Antebellum Southern

Belle doll, 25"

1967 Uneeda Sun Maid Raisins doll, 23" tall, vinyl head with rooted hair, sleep eyes, closed mouth, wearing her sun maid raisin print gown and bonnet, advertising doll.  Doll marked on back: U


This is probably the same doll used for the above 1967 Antebellum Southern Belle and the not shown 1967 Uneeda Country Girl doll.


Photo courtesy of littlemarz

1967 Sun Maid Raisins doll, 23"

1967 Uneeda Baby Bumpkins doll, 11" tall, all vinyl, rooted hair, sleep eyes, open mouth, jointed body, riding her cardboard pony

1967 Baby Bumpkins doll, 11"

1968 Uneeda Bare Skin Baby doll or Uneeda Bare Bottom Baby doll, 12 1/2" tall, all vinyl head & soft jointed body, sleep eyes, lightly molded painted  hair, sleep eyes, head marked: Uneeda Doll Co 1963.

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1968 Bare Skin Baby doll, 12 1/2"

1968 Uneeda Petal People dolls, 6 1/2" tall, Pee Wee or Troll like doll - dressed in flower costumes. 

1968 Petal People dolls 6 1/2"

uneeda_petal_people_stems.jpg (20546 bytes)1968 Uneeda Petal People dolls, 2 1/2" tall, came dressed in a flower outfit and were seated in a 12 1/2" tall flower pot, names were; Daffi Dill, Dizzy Daisy, Polly Poppy, Sunny Flower, Rosey Rose and Tiny Tulip, dolls have side glancing painted blue eyes with three painted upper lashes, rooted hair, in appropriate flower costume, Liddle Kiddles or Flower Darling like competitors, marked: Hong Kong.

1968 Petal People

Daffi Dill doll, 2 1/2"

1968+ Uneeda Wispy Walker doll, 24-30" tall, white or black doll, hard plastic jointed body with vinyl head and rooted hair.  Doll marked Uneeda Doll Co 19©67 Made in Taiwan.  There were also 1976 Uneeda Wispy Walker Paper Dolls.

1968 Wispy Walker doll, 24-30" 

1969 Uneeda Bundle of Love doll, 16" tall, all vinyl with rooted hair, sleep eyes, with open mouth, baby type doll.

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1969 Bundle of Love doll, 16"

1969 Uneeda Bitty Bathtub Baby doll, 5" tall, all vinyl, rooted hair, painted face, came in a pink plastic bathtub with play accessories like a yellow duck (just like the Mattel Little Kiddles - Baby Diddle yellow duck), baby bottle, rattle, hair brush etc.

1969 Bitty Bathtub Baby

1969 Bitty Bathtub Baby doll, 5"

1970s Uneeda Betsy Teen doll, 11 1/2" all, Barbie competitor, vinyl head with rooted hair, painted facial features, twist waist, jointed at neck, shoulders, waist & hips, came wearing a red one piece swimsuit ith hee whie buttons on front bodice.


Betsy Teen looks like a Maddie Mod competitor, may have even used the same had mold.

1970s Betsy Teen doll, 11 1/2"

1970 Uneeda Freckles doll, 32" tall, Playpal type, vinyl head with rooted hair, hard plastic jointed body including the wrists, big flirty sleep eyes, painted freckles on nose, open mouth with four painted upper teeth, doll mark 22 on head, also came as a ventriloquist doll in 1973 . 


There was a whole family of Uneeda dolls called Freckles in various sizes.

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1970 Freckles doll, 32"

1970s Uneeda Kim doll or Uneeda Dana doll, 5" tall, vinyl head with rooted grow hair, painted facial features, jointed body dressed doll, various outfits.  The Kim doll shown in her orange pleated sun dress is #10405.

1970s Kim doll, 5"

1973 Jennifer face


1973 Uneeda Jennifer doll, 18" tall, all vinyl, teenage doll, rooted hair, painted side glancing eyes, wore a printed cotton dress and white boots,  marked on neck: 615 78 Uneeda Toy Co.  MCMXLXVIII  Made in Hong Kong.

1973 Jennifer doll, 18"

1973 Uneeda Thum-Things doll, 5" tall, your three faced doll, when you put your finger into the dolls head you could turn it and change the face.

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1973 Thum-Things doll, 5"


1974 Uneeda Campbell Kids doll, Boy or Girl, 13-14" tall, Campbell Soup advertising doll, all soft vinyl some what flat one piece head and body, molded brown hair for boy or blonde and shades of rusty auburn for the girls hair, large circle with air hole on back of head, painted right side glancing eyes, tiny painted upper eyelashes, closed slight smiling watermelon mouth, indented cheeks and chin, starfish spread fingers on hands, straight legs, came wearing a red and white slacks for boy or dress for the girl, doll marked on bottom of foot © Uneeda Doll Company, Inc., 214, MCMLXXIV (1974).

1974 Uneeda Campbell Kids doll mark © Uneeda Doll Company, Inc., 214, MCMLXXIV (1974).


1974 Uneeda Campbell Kids Girl doll, 14"

1974 Campbell Kids Girl doll, 14"

1974 Uneeda Grannykins doll, 6" tall, miniatures of the larger dolls that wore several different costumes and have those square granny glasses painted on.

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1974 Grannykins doll, 6"

1975 Uneeda Flexi-Foam doll, 13" tall, rooted hair vinyl head, painted eyes, closed mouth, soft stuffed body, vinyl limbs.

1975 Flexi-Foam doll, 13"

1976 Uneeda Girl Doll, 29-31" tall, Playpal type, vinyl head with rooted short curly hair, sleep eyes, real upper lashes, hard plastic jointed child body, Doll marked 18  3176 M E  Uneeda Doll Company Inc.  MCMLXXVI (1976).

1976 Uneeda Playpal type doll, 31"

1976 Girl Playpal type, 31"

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1977 Uneeda Baby Yummy doll, 16" tall, shown on left, came with a bottle.



1977 Uneeda Yummy Walker doll, 16" shown on right; also came with a bottle.

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1977 Yummy Walker doll, 16"

1977 Uneeda Donna doll, 11 1/2" tall, Barbie competitor, vinyl head with rooted hair, painted facial features, twist n' turn waist, jointed body, came as a dressed doll in various fashions.

1977 Donna doll, 11 1/2"

1979 Uneeda Baby Luv doll, vinyl doll with rooted hair, marked on neck 51790.

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1979 Baby Luv doll

1979 Uneeda Popeye doll, 8" tall, vinyl head and arms, stuffed body and legs, dressed in his sailor outfit with cap and pipe.  Marked: © U.D.CO.INC MCMLXXVII Made in Hong Kong.

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1979 Popeye doll, 8"

Additional vintage Uneeda dolls not shown

1970s  Uneeda Baby Sleep Amber doll, 11" tall, black doll, vinyl head, arms and legs, cloth body, rooted black hair, sleep eyes, doll marked Tony Toy 1970 Made in Hong Kong. 


Additional Uneeda doll names, dates are unknown

Adorable Cindy doll

Baby Sweetie Pie doll

Baby Weepsy Wee Walker doll

Balletina doll

Bathtub Baby doll

Cuddly Baby doll

Debteen doll

Debteen Toddler doll

Dolly Dress Ups doll

Dolly Pep doll

Elfry doll

Girl from U.N.E.E.D.A. doll 

Golden Anniversary Doll

Infant Jumper doll

Lovable Lynn doll

Magic Bottle Baby doll

Miss Debteen doll

Miss Ducky Deluxe doll

Miss Modern doll

Moonmaid doll

Piddles doll

Pillow Baby doll

Pokey doll

Pollyana Star doll

Posey Elfy doll

Pretty Portrait doll

Princess Bride doll

Sally doll

Secret Sue doll

Tiny Toddles doll

Tiny Trix doll

Twins dolls

1960s Vermont Maid Syrup doll

Weepsy Wiggle doll

Years Ago doll


related  Uneeda Dolls 1917-1961  | Tiny Teen Suzette & Bob  | Dollikin |  Tiny Time Teens


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