Antique Fashion Lady Dolls 1860-1930
1870s antique French Fashion Lady black doll
12″ shoulder head, glass eyes, closed mouth,
black kid leather lady body, doll is unmarked.
Some Antique French Poupées de Mode or Fashion Lady doll markers are Blampoix, Barrois, Edouard Briens, Brouillet-Cacheleux, Bru, Pierre Victor Clément, Alice Couterier, Marie Cruchet, D’Autremont, A. Dehors & Deslandres, A La Petite Amazone shop of Clarisse Delcro, Louis Doléac, Duval-Denis, François Gaultier, Eugéne-Charles Gesland, J. Hameau, Alexis Frédéic Herbillion, Adélaïde Huret, Jumeau, Benoit Martin, Pannier, Claude Prieur or Louis Léon Prieur, Rabery & Delphieu, Radiquet & Cordonnier, J. Roch, Antoine Edmond Rochard, Léontine Rohmer, François Simonne, Jules N. Steiner, La Maison dolls, J. Terrene, Mlle.Testard and others.
Antique German Staat-damen a high society or Fashion Lady dolls were made by ABG Alt, Beck & Gottschalck, Cuno & Otto Dressel, Fischer, Naumann & Company, Kestner, Simon & Halbig and others.
French Fanfare by Michael Canadas and David Robinson of the Grovian Doll Museum
video courtesy YouTube 30 APR 2020