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Effanbee Dolls 1940-1970s USA

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1950s F & B Honey Doll 21"

1950s Effanbee Honey Doll 21"

Founded around 1910 in New York City, Effanbee stands for Fleischaker & Baum ( F & B, F an B), who were the company founders. They became well known for being the first to produce a realistically proportioned child doll named Patsy, they created companion dolls, a large wardrobe and her own fan club reportedly with 275,000 members. F & B also created the first hard rubber, drink and wet doll named Dy-Dee Baby. 


The Effanbee Company produced composition, hard rubber, cloth, hard plastic and vinyl dolls, in the late 1950s F & B acquired the Belle Doll & Toy Corp.  Tonner purchased and is producing Effanbee modern dolls today.  Note:  Many of the Effanbee dolls have their name right in the marking.


Vintage 1940s+ Effanbee Dolls Identified

1939-1959 Effanbee Little Lady doll or Effanbee Anne Shirley doll, 14-15, 18, 20 1/2, 21 1/2, 27, 28" tall, all composition jointed doll, sleep eyes, wigged some made of yarn, closed mouth, DeWees Cochran designed one of two hand molds; the other one has separated fingers that are a bit shorter & fatter. Both dolls are marked: Anne Shirley or just Effanbee


Here is a page with Little Lady doll - Anne Shirley doll clothes from a 1942-1944 Montgomery Ward catalog. 


The 1959 F & B Anne Shirley dolls were re-issued doll in hard plastic. 

1944 Effanbee Little Lady doll/Anne Shirley doll mold face

1944 F & B Little Lady doll face

or Anne Shirley doll, same face mold

1940 Effanbee Suzanne doll face

1940 Effanbee Suzanne doll, 13 1/2" tall


1940 F & B Suzanne doll, 13 1/2"  tall,  very similar to the Suzette doll only taller, all composition strung doll, sleep eyes, wigged, this doll has magnets in the palms of her hands so she can hold metal things, like metal wired flowers, a fan or parasol etc.


Doll marked on head: Suzanne Effanbee 

marked on back:  Suzanne Effanbee Made in USA.   


Photo courtesy of Ronsfancy.

1942+ Effanbee Sweetie Pie doll, 18 or 24" tall, same head mold as F & B Baby Bright Eyes and others, white or black doll, composition head and limbs, stuffed cloth body, flirty sleep eyes, closed mouth, caracul wig over molded hair.                              

Wards ad 1944 F & B Sweetie Pie doll

1944 F & B Sweetie Pie doll, 18"

1942 Effanbee Big Brother doll, 16" tall and Effanbee Little Sister doll or Baby Sister doll, 12" tall, cloth bodies with composition shoulder plate head,  and composition hands, painted facial features; both have blue painted eyes, cotton yarn hair; his in brown, hers in blonde, closed rosebud tiny painted mouth.  Dolls are marked: Effanbee and had a paper hang tag.  Both dolls used the Sugar Pie head mold.


He is dressed in a blue cotton pants with attached suspenders, blue and white checked long sleeve shirt, she's in a pink skirt with attached pink and white checked blouse, each with two buttons as front accent, white socks & white oilcloth tie shoes. 

F & B 1943 Big Brother doll, 16"

1942 F & B Big Brother doll, 16"


F & B 1943 Little Sister doll, 12"

1942 F & B Little Sister doll

or F & B Baby Sister doll, 12"


1942 Effanbee Patricia doll, 20" tall, composition swivel head on a wooden neck, painted blue eyes, closed mouth, composition hands, cloth stuffed body, arms and legs, stitched shoulder, hips and knees, cotton yarn hair or wigged.  A similar 15" Little Lady face doll on a cloth body without the jointed knees has been found, but it is unknown to us what her name was, perhaps she is a Little Lady or Anne Shirley doll with yarn hair.


It is unknown if or how doll is marked, had a paper hang tag.  Patricia is the big sister if you will to the next three dolls; Brother, Sister and Sugar - Patricia's face reminds us of the Little Lady doll, Anne Shirley head mold.



F & B 1942 Patricia doll 20"

1942 F & B Patricia doll, 20"

1943 Effanbee Sugar doll, 29" tall, composition swivel head on a wooden neck, painted blue eyes, closed mouth, composition hands, cloth stuffed body, arms & legs, stitched shoulder, hips & knees, cotton yarn hair.  She came dressed like Little Sister in a pale blue dress with white long sleeves.


Doll is marked: Effanbee with a paper hang tag.  Sugar is the biggest sister, to the prior three dolls; Brother, Sister & Patricia - she used the Sugar Pie round face mold like the Brother & Sister dolls.  We are unsure how many other dolls are in this family.

F & B 1943 Sugar doll, 29"

1943 F & B Sugar doll, 29"

1945 Effanbee Babyette doll, 12" tall, composition flange head and hands, soft cloth stuffed body and limbs, molded painted hair, painted facial features of a sleeping face; closed eyes, closed mouth, came dressed in a christening gown, bonnet, with a lined basket and an outside skirting, doll marked: F & B Babyette.

F & B 1945 Babyette doll, 12"

1945 F & B Babyette doll, 12"

F & B 1946 Candy Kid doll, 14" 1946+ Effanbee Candy Kid doll or Kandy Kid doll, 13-14" tall, white or rare black doll, all composition, blue sleep eyes, painted rosy cheeks and knees, closed mouth, molded hair painted brown, also came in a set of a girl and boy doll with matching various outfits, doll is unmarked or marked EFFANBEE.  By the 1950s the Candy Kid doll was made in hard plastic and magic skin or vinyl body, in 1994-1996 Tonner reissued or reproduced Candy Kid.


Shown left, original clothing Kandy Kid. 

Photo courtesy of Dollology.


Shown right; The Champ doll, dressed in red trunks, (not shown; robe marked Champ), white socks and shoes, brown leather boxing gloves, shown MIB.  Photo courtesy of Jane

F & B 1946 Candy Kid doll, 14"

1946 F & B Candy Kid doll,

The Champ doll, 14"

1948-1955 Effanbee Howdy Doody doll, 21-22" tall, Hey Kids what time is it?  Composition socket head, composition hands, cloth stuffed body, painted eyes, 48 freckles on his face, open mouth with upper teeth, if dressed in a cowboy outfit he is the ventriloquist character puppet doll, created by Buffalo Bob Smith in the long running TV show named Howdy Doody from 1947-1960, Howdy Doody is marked Effanbee.

1948 F & B Howdy Doody doll, 21"

1948 F & B Howdy Doody doll, 21"

1948-1949 Effanbee Honey doll, 14, 18,  & 24" tall,  early dolls are made of all composition with jointed body, some have flirty sleep eyes, closed mouth, wigged.  Doll mark Effanbee.


1950-1964 Honey doll, 12" plus other sizes, after 1949 Honey dolls are made of all hard plastic jointed body, sleep eyes, closed mouth, mohair wigs.  Doll mark USA 12 (12" size),  Effanbee, Effanbee USA.



1953 Effanbee Honey Walker doll, 16-28" tall, all hard plastic, walker doll, closed mouth, wigged, the 21" size had flirty sleep eyes. Came in many outfits and various color and style wigs and as a boy doll.


F & B 1950's Honey doll, hard plastic, 16"

1950s F & B Honey doll, hard plastic, 16"

1950-1953 Effanbee Noma doll, the electronic talking doll, 28" tall, battery operated talker, hard plastic shoulder head on a cloth body with vinyl limbs, open mouth, painted eyes, molded hair, with a talking device in torso. Noma comes wearing a pink taffeta dress with short puffed sleeves, black and white check trim on skirt hem, & same checked vest, matching bonnet with checked binding on brim, doll mark Effanbee.  Noma Electric bought and owned Effanbee from 1946-1953.


1951 Effanbee Noma Talker doll, that spoke English, French or Spanish, 18" tall sold thru Neiman Marcus department stores,doll head marked Effanbee.  See also Sweetie Pie 1951.

F & B 1950-1953 Noma doll, 28"

1950-1953 F & B Noma doll, 28"

1951 Effanbee Sweetie Pie doll and Effanbee Mommy's Baby doll, (now used the head mold of the Noma electronic doll), 24" tall, hard plastic shoulder head on a cloth body with vinyl limbs, open mouth, painted eyes, molded hair, caracul wig.  Same doll as the Noma talker without the talker mechanism. 

See Noma shown above


1951 F & B Sweetie Pie doll,

& F & B Mommy's Baby doll, 24"

1951-1952 Effanbee Tintair Honey doll, 14" tall,  (meant to compete with Ideal's - Toni Hair Permanent doll), is a Honey doll mold with dynel wig that could be colored.  Doll mark Effanbee, Effanbee USA.

F & B 1951 Tintair Honey doll, 14"

1951 F & B Tintair Honey doll, 14"

1953-1956 Effanbee Melodie doll, 27" tall, battery operated talker, and walker, hard plastic body, vinyl head with rooted hair, blue sleep eyes with lashes, has record player in the body that uses a battery, thin legs with jointed knees, in original organdy rosebud print dress with pink ribbon trim, (hat was probably added later), socks and black leather shoes.

F & B 1953 Melodie doll, 27" 

1953 F & B Melodie doll, 27" 

1954-1965 Effanbee Fluffy doll, 8 or 11" tall, all vinyl, black or white doll, jointed body, early dolls have molded and painted hair with long curls, later dolls have vinyl head with short rooted hair as shown on right, sleep eyes, closed mouth, usually marked © Fluffy Effanbee or some of the later dolls Effanbee 19©65. Some were dressed as Girl Scouts or Brownies.


Other doll makers used a similar Fluffy type or look a like doll mold without the Effanbee marking:  Allied-Grand named her Bonnie she is marked AE, Mary Hoyer named and sold this doll as Margie (no freckles), Kellogg's used this mold for a mail in premium Advertising doll named Linda Lou, Mollyes called their doll Perky, Earle Pullan sold this doll name unknown and Valentine used her for the 13" tall Perfect Patient doll.

F & B 1965 Fluffy doll, 8"

ca. 1965 F & B Fluffy doll, 8"

1954-1957 Effanbee Katie doll or Katy, 13" tall, vinyl coated plastic jointed body, vinyl head with rooted hair, glassene eyes, closed mouth.


1957 Effanbee Katie or Katy doll now 8 1/2" tall, plastic jointed body, vinyl head with molded hair and is the same as the Tiny Fluffy.


1957 Effanbee Tiny Fluffy doll, 8 1/2" tall, vinyl with molded hair.

F & B 1957 Katie, Katy doll 8 1/2"

1954 F & B Katie or Katy doll, 8 1/2"

1954 Effanbee Polka Dottie doll, Effanbee Rootie Kazootie doll, 11" or 21" tall, vinyl head and limbs, the smaller doll has a latex body, the larger one has vinyl coated body, have large painted eyes, spray painted hair and hats, usually marked:  Rootie Kazootie.

F & B 1954 Polka Dottie & Rootie Kazootie dolls

1954 F & B Polka Dottie doll and

F & B Rootie Kazootie doll

1956-1972 Effanbee Mickey doll, 10-11" tall, all vinyl, jointed body, painted eyes, freckles, closed mouth, molded hair and some have molded hats on too. 

F & B 1956-1972 Mickey doll, 11"

1956-1972 F & B Mickey doll, 11"

1957 Effanbee Champagne Lady doll, 20" or 23" tall, vinyl head and arms, hard plastic body, rooted hair and blue sleep eyes (Alice Long from the Lawrence Welk TV show). Dress came in several different colors; green and red.  Doll was repeated in 1977-1978.



F & B 1957 Champagne Lady doll, 19"

1957 F & B Champagne Lady doll, 19"

1957-1959 Effanbee Most Happy Family doll gift set (four dolls), Mommy doll 20", Mickey, Fluffy 13" and Baby 7 1/2", all hard plastic and vinyl dressed dolls who were also sold separately.  The Champagne lady doll was used for the Mommy doll head mold.

Photo courtesy of littlemarz

F & B 1957-1959 Most Happy Family dolls gift set

1957-1959 F & B  Most Happy Family doll gift set

1957-1959 Effanbee Patsy Ann doll, 15" tall, all vinyl, rooted hair, sleep eyes, closed mouth,  usually doll marked Effanbee Patsy Ann 1959.  Some dolls were dressed as Girl Scouts.

F & B 1957-1959 Patsy Ann doll, 15"

1957-1959 F & B Patsy Ann doll, 15"

F & B 1958 Alyssa doll, 23"

1958-1962 Effanbee Alyssa doll, 23" tall, vinyl head, plastic jointed walker body, rooted hair and sleep eyes, shown in her original clothing.  


Photo courtesy of Patkan, all pristine and original.


1958 F & B Alyssa doll, 23"


shown at left

1958 Effanbee Junior Miss Doll, 21" tall, came as a Bride or Bridesmaid.


1958 Effanbee Junior Miss Ballerina Doll, 15 or 21" tall, hard plastic doll with walker mechanism, jointed knees and the 21" also had jointed ankles for posing, high heel feet, pierced ears with simulated pearl earrings, rooted saran hair, sleep eyes, closed mouth.  Unknown how marked, probably Effanbee.

1958 F & B Junior Miss Ballerina doll, 21"

1958 F & B Junior Miss Ballerina doll, 21"

1959 Effanbee Mary Jane doll, 30 - 32" tall doll, vinyl head with rooted hair, blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, hard plastic body jointed at the neck, shoulders and hips, doll marked Effanbee Mary Jane.

1959 Effanbee, F & B Mary Jane doll, 32"

1959 F & B Mary Jane doll, 32"

1959-1965 Effanbee Happy Boy doll, 11" tall, all vinyl, molded hair, painted eyes, and freckles with an open smiling mouth with a single tooth showing.

F & B 1959-1965 Happy Boy doll, 11"

1959-1965 F & B Happy Boy doll, 11"

1961-1981 Effanbee Suzie Sunshine doll, 18" tall, (also called Honey doll), white or black doll, all vinyl jointed body, rooted hair, sleep eyes, lashes and face freckles designed by Eugenia Dukas, doll marked Effanbee © 1961.

F & B 1961 Suzie Sunshine doll, 18"

1961 F & B Suzie Sunshine doll, 18"

1962-1977 Effanbee Gumdrop doll, 16" vinyl toddler type doll, jointed body, rooted hair, sleep eyes.

F & B 1962-1977 Gumdrop doll, 16"

1962-1977 F & B Gumdrop doll, 16"

1965-1980 Effanbee Miss Chips doll, 18" tall, white or black doll, all vinyl, jointed, sleep eyes large and side glancing, closed mouth, came dressed in various outfits, including a bride and bridesmaid, doll marked Effanbee 19©65 1700.

1965 F & B Miss Chips doll, 18"

1965 F & B Miss Chips doll, 18"

1966-1980 Effanbee Half Pint doll, 11" tall, all vinyl, rooted hair with sleep eyes and lashes.

F & B 1966-1980 Half Pint doll, 11"

1966-1980 F & B Half Pint doll, 11"

1966-1980 Effanbee Pun'kin doll, 11" tall, all vinyl, jointed toddler type doll, rooted hair and sleep eyes.

F & B 1966 Pun'kin doll, 11"

1966 F & B Pun'kin doll, 11"

1968-1981 Effanbee Button Nose doll, 18" tall, vinyl head and cloth body (this was not a reproduction of the earlier similar named doll, but a new doll altogether).

F & B 1968 Button Nose doll, 18"

1968 F & B Button Nose doll, 18"

1974 Effanbee Twinkie doll, 15" tall, white or black doll, all vinyl drink wet baby doll, open mouth, molded hair, blue or brown sleep eyes, came dressed in a flannel robe with it's bottle, wrist tag reads: "I am Twinkie an Effanbee doll that will touch your heart", doll marked 14 EFFANBEE 1968 2500.

1974 F & B Twinkie black doll, 15"

1974 F & B Twinkie black doll, 15"

1977-1978 Effanbee Disney dolls; 14 or 16 1/2" tall; Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Prince Charming, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White.  Doll shown is Sleeping Beauty.

F & B 1977 Sleeping Beauty doll, 14"

1977 F & B Sleeping Beauty doll, 14"


Additional Effanbee Dolls Not Shown


1950s Effanbee Lambkin doll, 21-24", all vinyl and magic skin stuffed body, molded hair or short rroted hair, sleep eyes, open mouth with tongue sticking out to side, jointed at the neck and shoulders, stitched hips for bending, doll mark Lambkin Effanbee.


1966 Effanbee Chipper doll, 14" tall, vinyl head with rooted hair, sleep eyes, closed mouth, jointed at the neck, shoulders and hips plastic body, came in various outfits, as a Bride, plus others, doll marked Effanbee 19©66.


1960s Effanbee Tiny Tubber doll, 10" vinyl head with rooted or molded hair, open or closed mouth, sleep eyes, vinyl jointed body, doll marked Tiny Tubber Effanbee.


 1910s 1920s  1930s  1940-1970s   dewees cochran   little lady anne shirley dolls   patsy type


Effanbee Doll Resources:

Effanbee Dolls That Touch Your Heart 1912-1982 book in 1983 by Patricia R. Smith,
Effanbee Dolls The Formative Years 1910-1929 book in 1984 by Patricia Schoonmaker,
Patsy Doll Family Encyclopedia book, vol. I in 1992, vol. II in 1998 by Patricia Schoonmaker
and continued research across the Internet since 1999 which we share with you.


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