Atlas Doll & Toy 1917+ or Giebeler-Falk Metal Dolls 1918+ USA
Atlas Doll & Toy Company Dolls 1917-1930 USA
Atlas Doll & Toy Company was founded in Chicago, Illinois with a factory in Baltimore, Maryland. Atlas made lots and lots of All metal dolls, metal shoulder head dolls and composition dolls.
If asked to identify an unmarked metal head doll, I’d look at Atlas Doll & Toy dolls first, as roughly 80% of the time, I’d need look no further.
Metal head dolls with stationary glass eyes, sleep eyes or painted eyes, with molded painted or unpainted hair and wigged. Dolls with hair loop for bows or ribbons. Baby or child dolls metal dolls. Dolls with metal jointed arms on cork stuffed cloth bodies. Composition dolls.
Atlas Dolls & Marks Identified
ca. 1921 Atlas Doll & Toy Metal head doll, 12″ tall, metal shoulder head, the head is unpainted or “raw” except for the painted eyes, lightly molded unpainted hair, cloth stuffed body, stitched hips, cloth legs, movable metal arms, doll is unmarked.
1921-1922 Atlas Doll & Toy Toddles doll is 11″ tall, all composition head with lightly painted molded hair, tin blue sleep eyes, painted upper and lower eyelashes, a closed painted mouth, slightly rosy cheeks on a composition five piece bent limb baby body, doll mark Toddles.
Atlas Doll & Toy doll mark ADTCo, Atlas Doll & Toy doll mark DEC 25 – 1920, Atlas Doll & Toy doll mark Toddles.
Atlas Dolls not Shown
1928 Atlas Doll & Toy Dolly Jump Rope doll, 13″ tall, composition shoulder head with molded painted blonde hair, blue painted eyes, open/closed mouth with four white painted teeth, metal arms attached to the jump metal rope, cloth body and legs, jointed at the shoulders and hips, came in her own wheeled metal cart with attached push handle, when arms are turned appears as though the doll is jumping the rope, doll mark Century Doll Co on back shoulder plate.
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Giebeler-Falk doll patent Aug. 3, 1920
Giebeler-Falk Doll Corporation Dolls 1918-1920 USA
Brief history; Giebeler-Falk was founded in 1918 by Christoph Giebeler and Oscar Falk at 320 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY and made bisque, aluminum or composition socket or shoulder head dolls, with hands and feet of metal. Giebeler-Falk dolls have an all-wood featherweight jointed very posable body in sizes 16, 18, 20, 22, 25″ tall or a kid leather stitched jointed body and 14″ Baby dolls on cloth bodies. Due to the short two year production time, Giebeler-Falk dolls are hard to find.
Giebeler-Falk advertised in April 1919 Gie-Fa doll; “At Last – The Great American Doll, aluminum heads, hands, all-wood body and limbs, moving eyes screwed in place. The Most Sanitary Doll in Existence.”
In June 1919 Giebeler-Falk advertised a “Singing-Talking-Teaching, Primadonna a photograph doll 25 or 30″ tall. Inside the crown of the Primadonna doll head is a turntable that played records, with a turning crank on the dolls back and a movable jaw.
In 1919 Giebeler-Falk established Aluminum Doll Head Works, Inc., which sold replacement aluminum doll flange or shoulder head and hands including Baby dolls. Giebeler-Falk dolls were exported around the world. By April 1920 both Giebeler-Falk and Aluminum Doll Head Works, Inc. ceased operations.
Giebeler-Falk Dolls Identified
1919-20 Giebeler-Falk aluminum socket head doll 16″, wood jointed featherweight body, metal hands and feet, sleep eyes, painted lashes, human hair wig, closed mouth with painted teeth, doll mark 16 six pointe star G.
1919-20 Giebeler-Falk aluminum socket head doll 22″, wood jointed body, metal hands and feet, doll mark 22 six pointed star G US Pat. Nov. 19, 19″.
1919-20 Giebeler-Falk aluminum doll hands and feet. Giebeler-Falk dolls also came with flat wood feet
1920 Giebeler-Falk doll 25″, aluminum shoulder head, kid body, arms and legs, stitched fingers, hips, knees and toes, doll mark five point star G 25.
1920 Giebeler-Falk doll 25″ aluminum shoulder head, human hair wig, sleep eyes, closed mouth with painted teeth, kid body, doll mark five point star G 25.
Giebeler-Falk Doll Marks Identified
Giebeler-Falk doll mark 18, six point star G US Pat
Giebeler-Falk doll mark 20, six point star G US Pat Nov. 19, 19″
Giebeler-Falk doll mark 25 six point star G US Pat
Giebeler-Falk doll mark five point star G 25
Giebeler-Falk doll mark Gie-Fa trademark New York, NY clothing label.
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