Jeanne Orsini Dolls USA Kiesewetter Dolls German
Jeanne Orsini Dolls 1916-1930+ USA
Jeanne I. Orsini doll maker was located in New York City, she first designed small all bisque child character dolls sized 4 1/2 to 7″ tall. Later Orsini designed large infant or baby doll mold 1443 and 1440 that have a bisque socket or biscoloid flange heads, molded painted hair or wigged, sleep eyes; some with flirty sleep eyes, real eyelashes, with a cloth, kid or composition body and the Kiddiejoy baby doll mold 993, some heads were made by Marseille. Some of Orsini dolls were made by Alt, Beck & Gottschalck and distributed by Borgfeldt.
Later Orsini designed large infant or baby doll mold 1430 a black doll or 1440 white doll that have a bisque socket or biscoloid flange heads, molded painted hair or wigged, sleep eyes; some with flirty sleep eyes, real eyelashes, with a cloth, kid or composition body and the Kiddiejoy baby doll mold 993, some heads were made by Marseille. Some Orsini doll trade names are; 1916 Tummyache and Dodo dolls, 1918 Fifi and Nellie Sunshine dolls, 1919 Uncle Sam doll, 1920 Didi, Mimi, Vivi and Zizi, small all bisque dolls.
Orsini Dolls Identified
ca. 1920s Jeanne Orsini doll mold 1430 black Baby 15″ doll, bisque head, brown caracul wig, brown sleep eyes, open smiling mouth, doll mark 1430.
1920 Jeanne Orsini doll mold 41 Didi all bisque doll 5″ tall. open smiling mouth, bent arms, long white painted socks, brown painted Mary Jane shoes, doll mark 41.
ca. 1926 Jeanne Orsini doll mold 993 Kiddiejoy baby doll 15″, composition head, sleep eyes, open smiling mouth, jointed body, doll mark Kiddiejoy J.I.O. © 1926 993.
Jeanne I. Orsini Doll Marks Identified
Jeanne I. Orsini Doll Mold Numbers Identified
41, 44, 47, 993, 1423, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1440, 1450, possibly 7437
Kiesewetter Dolls 1884+ German
Hermann and Franz Kiesewetter of Germany, it is unclear if there was a relationship between Franz and Hermann, are they brothers or is Hermann a son of Franz? Possibly, but we don’t have any conclusive information. Both men were active in the doll industry in Neustadt near Coburg, Thuringia Germany; from 1912 to 1914.
Franz was a sculptor and Hermann registered in 1926 his only doll mold 525.
1912 Franz Kiesewetter doll mold 502 laughing girl doll 15″
ca. 1912 Franz Kiesewetter mold 502 Laughing girl doll 15″ tall, biscaloid head with sleep eyes, brush upper lashes, painted upper and lower eyelashes, open smiling mouth with teeth, wigged, composition jointed toddler body. She has a replaced modern wig, clothing seems appropriate, but possibly not original, doll marked 502 Germany.
Franz Kiesewetter doll mold 502 is a Jeanne Orsini look a like doll, sorta, but well marked with it’s mold number.
Franz Kiesewetter Doll Mold Numbers Identified
501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 507, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517
Additional Kiesewetter Dolls or Toy Makers
Alwin Kiesewetter a factory owner and exporter of dolls & toys in Coburg, Germany from 1907 to 1925,
Anton Kiesewetter is listed as a doll factory owner in Neustadt near Coburg, Germany 1884 to 1918,
– Anton Kiesewetter doll mark PETZ Teddy bear symbol on plush toys
Vve. Anton Kiesewetter, Anton’s widow continued his doll factory from 1918 to 1925+,
Georg Bernhard Kiesewetter is listed as a doll maker in Sonneberg, Germany from 1895 to 1906,
Max Kiesewetter founded the Erste Steinbacher Porzellanfabrik in Steinbach near Sonneberg, Germany 1900+