Babs, Coleman Dolly Walker Non-Mechanical Dolls 1917+
The Babs Manufacturing Corporation, a Philadelphia doll manufacturer in 1917-1921, made a line of composition head dolls with a mesh and flexible steel spring jointed body and wooden limbs.
The Babs doll is a non-mechanical walking doll, distributed by International Doll Corporation and appears to be the same as the Harry H. Coleman Dolly Walker doll made for them by Wood Toy Company and the Manhattan Doll Company non-mechanical walking dolls. All of these dolls have the same patent number 1,221,870 dated April 10, 1917 or 301821 marked on the doll.
The Babs walking doll and Dolly Walker are both non mechanical walking dolls, 28″ tall, composition shoulder head, painted hair or wigged, multi stroke eyebrows, sleep or painted eyes, painted upper and lower eye lashes, open mouth, wood framed body covered in mesh or cardboard, flexible steel spring jointed limbs; shoulders, elbows, wrists, top of legs, knees and ankles. Doll marked on underside bottom Babs, Patented in U.S.A. Other Patents Pending Patents applied for In other countries.
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