Block Doll Corp. Dolls 1951-1958 USA
Little history is known about the Block Doll Corporation of New York City, NY. What we have found is Block made small hard plastic dolls from 1951 to 1958. Block is probably best known for their 1957 Little Miss Addie and her smaller sister, Ad dishwashing detergent advertising dolls.
1957 Block Little Miss Addie doll, 10 1/2″ tall, Ad Dishwasher Detergent Company advertised the offer, “Little Miss Addie walks and moves her head. She moves her arms and closes her eyes. She has lovely blond hair you will love to comb and she is non-breakable. A $6.95 value for only $3.00 with an Ad detergent box top. She wears a pink pin striped taffeta dress, a hat and a real fur mink” stole. The doll is made of all hard plastic, a straight leg walker, sleep eyes, molded lashes with painted lower lashes and a blonde short curled saran wig, doll is unmarked.
1958 Block Little Miss Addie Sister doll, 8″ tall, wide eyed, non walker doll, wore a coordinating pink and white striped dress, doll is unmarked.
Block Vintage Dolls Identified
1951-1957 Block Karen . . . the Answer Doll, 12″ tall, toddler doll, all hard plastic doll, “Press my tummy, I nod Yes, Press my back, I nod No” button on her tummy, jointed at the neck, shoulders and hips, straight legs, wigged, sleep eyes, closed mouth, doll is unmarked.
1951-1957 Block Boy and Girl Twin Answer dolls, shown Girl Answer Doll, 10 1/2″ tall, toddler doll, with a yes, no button, both the boy and girl dolls have molded painted hair, sleep eyes, closed mouth, jointed body, straight legs, the girl doll wears a red or navy skirt with shoulder straps, boy has red or navy shorts with shoulder straps, short sleeve striped knit top, socks and shoes, dolls are unmarked.
There are also (two) Block chubby 10 1/2″ tall dolls, straight leg walkers with sleep eyes, dolls do not have an answer button, dolls marked Pat. Pend. or unmarked. One of the dolls is called a Baby Walker doll.
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