Edmund Ulrich Steiner Dolls 1894-1916 German
Edmund Ulrich Steiner, according to his obituary was born in 1858 in Sonneberg, Thuringia, Germany. Edmund appears to have been active in the toy industry as early as 1864, perhaps helping and working with his father who produced one of the first high grade doll lines for export to the United States. Edmund’s brother Albert was also known in the doll industry. Over the course of his career, Edmund produced, distributed and worked for; Horsman, Strobel & Wilken, Louis Wolf. Between 1901 to 1906 Mr. Steiner managed Samstag & Hilder’s doll department, then he rejoined Louis Wolf.
Edmund Ulrich Steiner patented in 1902 a walking and sitting doll, in 1902 registered the trademarks Liliput and Majestic, both in use since 1894 and in 1903 Steiners Majestic doll and Daisy doll. Edmond U. Steiner is probably best known for bisque shoulder head dolls on a kid leather body. Mr. Edmund Steiner passed away in 1916 and it was reported that he had crossed the Atlantic an amazing eighty-four times in his life.
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