Eugenia Doll Company Dolls 1943-1953
1948 Eugenia Doll Company, Montgomery Ward doll ad
Eugenia Doll Company brief history; the company operated at 752 Broadway, New York City 3, NY USA from 1943 to 1953. Early Eugenia dolls are made of all composition and appear to be Arranbee’s Debu’teen dolls that Eugenia dressed as Brides or in elaborate gowns with Eugenia tags. The 1948 Montgomery Ward catalog doll ad features composition dolls that were unique to Eugenia. By the early 1950’s Eugenia transitioned to making dolls of hard plastic, like the rest of the doll industry.
The young and talented designer Irene Szor began her career at Eugenia around 1947, by 1953 the Eugenia Doll Company filed for bankruptcy, at which time Ms. Szor went to work for the Sayco company.
The few Eugenia dolls that come to the secondary market today, are often dressed as brides so that may have been their specialty, most Eugenia dolls are unmarked, original clothing will have an Eugenia tag and probably had a Eugenia hang tag.
Eugenia Vintage Dolls Identified
1943 Eugenia composition dressed gown doll 17-18″
1943+ Eugenia Juliette Bride doll, 17-18″ tall, all composition jointed body, blue sleep eyes, real upper lashes, painted lower lashes, mohair wig in several colors, dressed as a bride doll, several different bride outfits may have been available and the doll was offered for several years, doll is unmarked. Photo’s courtesy of Andrea, Andy.
1946 Eugenia Bridal Series miniature doll, 6″
1946 Eugenia Doll-of-the-Week and Bridal Series miniature dolls, 6-7″ tall, all composition jointed at shoulders & hips, painted eyes & upper lashes, mohair wig, closed mouth, dolls are unmarked. The box may give the only clue to the doll, manufacturer and which series it belonged too. Similar to the small Hollywood dolls.
1947 Eugenia Janie and Johnnie dolls
1947 Eugenia Janie and twin Johnnie dolls, 10, 12 or 14″ tall, all composition dolls with jointed bodies, molded and brown painted hair, sleep eyes, closed mouths, dolls are unmarked, Johnnie’s pants have a Eugenia tag, label. Janis and Johnnie dolls were sold singly or the 10″ size pair has been found in a trunk with one piece pajamas and bedding.
1948 Eugenia New Baby “Beloved” Is The Name doll, 7″ tall, all composition, painted side glancing eyes, painted upper lashes, molded hair with painted wisps on top and a little on the sides, jointed at neck & shoulders, molded Union suit & painted blue molded shoes. Would have been dressed in a white batiste long gown with a ruffle at the bottom & matching bonnet, doll marked Eugenia and is very similar to Horsman’s Hebee & Shebee dolls.
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1948 Eugenia Personality Pla-Mate Dolls – Five dolls in the series, all were Montgomery Ward Department store exclusives. The dolls All composition; Kathryn, Kathy, Sandra, Sandy and Roberta, Bobbie 15-16″. All hard plastic Kathryn, Kathy 16″, Carolyn, Carol 18″ and Barbara, Babs 20″. Some of the composition dolls may also have been released in hard plastic versions, too. All dolls originally came with a hang tag that identified them.
1948 Eugenia Personality Pla-Mate Dolls Kathy or Kathryn doll 15-16″
1948 Eugenia Personality Pla-Mate Kathy or Kathryn doll ,15-16″ tall, all composition jointed body, sleep eyes, auburn mohair wig, pug like nose, blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, doll is unmarked. The Eugenia Kathryn doll mold is also made of hard plastic.
1948 Eugenia Personality Pla-Mate Carol or Carolyn doll, 18″
1948 Eugenia Personality Pla-Mate Carol or Carolyn doll, 18″ tall, all hard plastic, auburn mohair wig, sleep eyes, closed mouth in her original outfit, doll is unmarked.
1948 Eugenia Helene doll face 18″
1948+ Eugenia Helene doll, 18″ tall, all composition joint body, sleep eyes, brown mohair wig, blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, doll is unmarked.
1949 Eugenia Pam the Perm-O-Wave Doll, 14″
1949 Eugenia Pam the Perm-O-Wave doll, 14″ tall, hard plastic, human hair wig, with Perm-O-Wave curlers, “. . these curlers can be used over and over again. These same curlers can give mother and daughter a home permanent”, plastic makeup case and barrette, doll is unmarked. This was the earliest of the home permanent “Advertising” dolls.
Eugenia Dolls Not Shown
April 1950 Eugenia patented the doll names Burpee-Babee doll and Bubbles-Baby doll, no further information is known to us.