T to Z French Antique Doll Makers, Marks
Antique French doll makers – les fabricants de poupée antiques Françaises, with company or doll shops names that begin with the letter T to Z, with dates of operation, address, owners when known, doll labels or marks with address’s, initials or symbols, doll trade names.
A-B | C-D | F-K | L-M | N-P | R-S < T-W >
Tanagra Doll Factory 1917-1930 + Montreuil-sous-Bois & Paris
– doll mark Tanagra Perle-Depose Paris
Georges Tempier doll shop A La Bonne Foi 1844-1855
– doll mark Tempier Blvd. des Italiens, 23, 28 Paris
J. Terrène doll mark label, 10 rue de Marché St. Honoré 1863-1890
– bisque head, hands, wood body covered in kid, metal upper arms
Sylvain Thalheimer & Cie doll name Bébé Tentation 1900
Alexandre Nicholas Théroude automata doll mark 1832-1895
Valentine Thomson doll shop Pandora doll mark Pandore 1915-1918
A. De La Thuilerie doll mark label 1873-1882
– Grand Magsin de Joet, Rue St. Honoré, 366 Paris English Spoken
Andre Thuillier doll mark AT 1875-1893
Tinet Doll Factory 1815-1873 Montreuil-sous-Bois, Seine
– doll mark two pair crossed swords forming diamond
Mme. Vve. Triquet doll mark 46 Place des Carmes Rouen label 1900s
Henry Ulhenhuth & Cie doll mark clover 1876-1919 (SFBJ)
Juliette Uhlenhut kid body poupées 1878+ Montreuil
Charles Ullmann automata mechanical dolls 1881+
Unidentified French Doll Marks
Union des Fabricants de Jouets et d’Articles de Paris 1883-1893
– then named Union des Fabricants de Jouets in 1894+
Union National Inter Syndicale UNIS mark 1916-1960
Jeanne (Desboutin) Van Rozen doll mark 1912-1914
A L’Industrie Verchaly made dolls after 1880
– doll mark 19 Rue des Poetiers Angers
Verdier & Gutmacher, Verdier & Cie doll mark VG 1898-1902
Gabrielle Verita cloth doll mark GV 1915-1918
Jules Verlingue doll mark JV anchor Liane 1915-1920s
Verry et Fils doll mark Aux Galleries Defer 1989 Des Italiens 1865-1873
Pierre Vialard doll clinic mark label 1900-1930+
– Passage Du Havre 1 et 13, Prés la Rue Caumartin, Prix Trés Modérés
Gustave Vichy mechanical doll mark GV, G. Vichy 1862-1900+
Brasseur & Videlier doll shoes mark BV 1865-1882
Villard & Lévy toy & doll mark EV & L 1878+
Les Jouets Louis Voltz composition dressed tourist dolls,
– 211 Boulevard St Germain, Paris
Charles Auguste Wattilliaux doll mark WX 1891-1896
Wax Dolls 1800s+
Armand Weill made plush toys, 8 Rue Pastourelle, Paris
Arthur Wertheimer, Bébé Le Baby 1898-1899+ (SFBJ)
Adophe Léon Willette doll mark – W – 1910-1926
Wood doll menu 1300+
X-Y-Z none
A-B | C-D | F-K | L-M | N-P | R-S < T-W >