Kammer & Reinhardt K & R Antique Bisque Dolls 1886+ German
A brief history of the Kämmer & Reinhardt doll company which was formed in 1886 in Waltershausen, Thüringia, Germany by Ernst Kämmer and Franz Reinhardt. From 1886 to 1909 K & R made only dolly faced dolls with a bisque head on a composition ball jointed or kid leather body. Kämmer & Reinhardt bisque doll heads and bodies were designed by them, but most heads were manufactured by Simon & Halbig and often have both marks. K & R also purchased heads from Kling and Schutzmeister & Quendt. After 1909 until 1932 K & R made dolls with a bisque, composition or celluloid head and cloth costume dolls with wired bodies dressed in various professions.
Kämmer & Reinhardt supplied some bisque heads to make Emile Berliner’s gramophone talking dolls in 1890-1894. In 1902 Kammer & Reinhardt purchased the Heinrich Handwerck doll company and about 1920 they acquired the Simon & Halbig company. K & R is probably best known for bisque head character baby and child dolls.
Kämmer & Reinhardt K & R Dolls Identified
ca. 1900+ Kämmer & Reinhardt doll mold 192, a Dolly face doll, 21″ tall, either a white or black bisque head on a ball jointed composition and wood body, feathered painted brows, glass sleep eyes with painted lashes, early dolls have a closed mouth – later dolls have an open mouth, wigged, doll mark 192, G 192 , K*R 192 B, K*R 192 P9. Most dolls have pierced ears, some dolls have a composition jointed walker body or a mechanical key windup walking body by Ferdinand Imhoff, on bottom of shoe marked Patent Aller Lander, DRP No. 119857 Patent A Lander.
1909+ Kämmer & Reinhardt doll mold 100 Kaiser Baby or Bauz Baby a character doll, 11-20″ tall, bisque socket head, molded painted hair, painted eyes, open closed mouth, composition jointed bent limb baby body, doll mark K * R 100. The K & R Kaiser Baby dolls also came with glass eyes and wigged or an Oriental doll and were distributed in the United States by George Borgfeldt and Strobel & Wilken.
1911+ Kämmer & Reinhardt doll mold 115, a pouty child character doll, 22″ tall, bisque socket head, composition ball jointed body, glass eyes, feathered brows, painted upper and lower eyelashes, closed pouty mouth, doll mark K * R 115. The K & R bisque head doll mold 115 was copied by American doll makers Effanbee for their 1912 Billy Boy composition doll head, Horsman a 1915 Boy composition head doll and is similar to German doll maker Käthe Kruse‘s 1912 Fiamingo doll head mold.
1911+ Kämmer & Reinhardt doll mold 116, a laughing character child doll, 18″ tall, bisque socket head, composition ball jointed body, glass sleep eyes, feathered brows, painted upper and lower eyelashes, open closed mouth with upper teeth, doll mark K * R 116.
1911+ Kammer & Reinhardt doll mold 117 Mein Liebling (My Darling), a character child doll, 27″ tall, a bisque socket head, composition ball jointed body, glass eyes, feathered brows, painted upper and lower eyelashes, 117 closed mouth, doll mark K * R 117. Mein Liebling doll mold K * R 117A has an open mouth (om). Mein Liebling doll mold K * R 117N some dolls have flirty eyes.
1914+ Kammer & Reinhardt doll mold 131, a Googly eye doll, 10-15 1/2″, doll shown is 10″ bisque socket head, painted curved or rare angled eyebrows, glass googly eyes with no painted eyelashes, closed slight smiling watermelon mouth, on a jointed composition body, doll mark K * R Simon & Halbig 131.
ca. 1928+ Kämmer & Reinhardt Baby Puz doll, 19-30″ tall, black or white doll, a biscaloid head, lightly molded painted hair, flirty sleep eyes, open mouth with tongue, jointed composition baby bent limb body, doll mark Germany.
ca. 1928+ Kämmer & Reinhardt Rosi doll, 25″, a biscaloid head, glassene eyes, closed mouth, wigged, composition jointed body, doll mark Rosi Germany + her size number in centimeters. Photo courtesy of Luminaire.iceplains
Kammer & Reinhardt K & R Doll Marks Identified
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Kämmer & Reinhardt K & R Doll Mold Numbers Identified
22, 29, 50, 62, 66, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 115A, 116, 116A, 117, 117A, 117X, 117n, 118, 118A, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 127n, 128, 129, 130, 131,132, 133, 135, 142, 144, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 191, 191 CB, 192, 196, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 225, 226, 245, 246, 248, 252, 255, 256, 265, 290, 301, 321, 351, 355, 377, 401, 402, 403, 406, 442, 509, 510, 511, 526, 531, 550, 552, 601, 615, 626, 631, 651, 652, 665, 675, 700, 701, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 723, 726, 727, 728, 730, 737, 755, 773, 775, 776, 777, 778, 785, 787, 788, 800, 817, 826, 828, 831, 835, 873, 900, 901, 917, 921, 926, 952, 973, 975, 977, 1728, 8170, 8171, 8172, 8173, 8175, (body stamp) 552425. Most Kammer & Reinhardt doll marks include K * R, but some marks have only a mold number.
Note: Many Kammer & Reinhardt dolls have a K star R marking with no mold number, however if there is a number on the lower neck rim between 25 to 99, it is the dolls size in centimeters. Some K & R doll mold 192 may have a body stamped E. W. Matthes and some Kammer & Reinhardt dolls have a Ferdinand Imhoff marked windup walking doll body.
Other Kammer & Reinhardt registered doll trade names are; 1931 Bébé Camerose sold only in Paris, France, Charakter Puppe doll (character doll), Der Schelm doll (The Rascal doll), Der Unart doll (Naughty One doll), Dis Kokette doll (the Coquette doll), Marie or Peter doll mold 101, Elsa or Walter doll mold 102, Carl doll mold 107, Elise doll mold 109, Hans or Gretchen doll mold 114, Majestic doll, Mein Kleines doll (My Little Ones doll), My Darling doll, The Flirt doll of the Royal Line, Max doll mold 123, Moritz doll mold 124, Googly Eye doll mold 131, the Favorite doll mold 155 was distributed by FAO Schwartz in 1900-1927.