B to C American Doll Makers Company Names
Below is a list of past American antique to vintage doll and toy makers whose company name begins with B to C dates of operation, identifying doll marks, labels, symbols, letters or initials and trade marks when known.
A < B-C > D-E F-G H I-J-K L-M N-O-P Q-R S T U-Z
Babs walking doll mark Babs Patented 1917-1921
Baby Barry Toy plastic dolls by Universal Toy Co. 1950s
Baby Phyllis Doll Co. composition dolls 1919-1929
Baby Outfitters doll mark Bo-Peep American 1917-1918
Baker & Bennett composition doll mark BB 1902-1916
Bal Dolls Incorporated plastic dolls 1950s
Balos Dollcrafters Classics by Charles A. Berry 1984+ Chicago
– French male, female (14″) fashion doll reproductions
L. Bamberger & Co. cloth doll mark IKWA 1892-1930s
Barbie dolls vintage 1959+ by Mattel
Martha E. Battle doll mark Mammy-Lou 1937+ Chattanooga
– black cloth Mammy dolls US patent No. 390,536
Bawo & Dotter 1838-1913 Limoges, NYC, GER
– doll mark B & D, B & D Ltd or Pat. Dec. 7/ 80, Barclay Baby Belle
Be and Sales Company 1960s+ Michigan
Beck Mfg. Co. doll mark BECK 1888-1921 Brooklyn, NY
– 1919-1921 made composition dolls with bisque like heads
Beaver Doll & Toy wood dolls 1916-1917 NYC, CAN, ENG
– doll mark Beaverbilt, Beaverbeasts, Beaverability
Beecher Baby or Missionary Rag baby dolls 1893-1910
Beehler Arts Doll Company 1940s-1950s NYC
Beers, Keeler, Bowman Co. doll mark BKB 1922-1923
Bell Toy Company 1920s – see Arcy Toy Company
Belle Doll & Toy Corp 1952-1958, then F & B
Berman & Anderson, Inc. doll figurines 1970s+ NYC
Berwick Doll composition doll mark Pat. Apr. 12, 21 in 1918+
Bester Doll composition doll mark BDC Inc. 1918-1921
Betsy McCall dolls 1951+
Bibi Products Co. Inc. plastic dolls 1967-1980 Culver City
– Peter Figuren Laffen man, woman, clown, jester heads,
wall decor battery operated laugh / squirters, Austria & Korea
Bible Doll Co of America dolls 1948-1960s Philadelphia
Bikin Corporation plastic dolls 1986-1992 USA, Hong Kong
– vinyl Disney fairy tale character dolls
Bimblick Toy Co. wood segmented dolls 1926-1930 NYC
– their Bettie doll was sued by Cameo for infringement of Margie
Bing Brothers Art Doll Company dolls 1882-1932 NYC, GER
Bisc Novelty Manufacturing Co., see Ernst Reinhardt 1914-1917
Black dolls antique to vintage 1890+
Block Doll Corporation plastic dolls 1951-1958
Charles Bloom Doll Company boudoir dolls 1919-1930+ NYC
– doll mark Patented June 2, 1925, No. 1540384 Chas. Bloom
Blossom Doll Co. boudoir dolls 1920s-1940s NYC
Blossom Products Corp. doll mark 5 doll Quints faces 1930s PA
Blue Bonnet Margarine, Dolls of All Lands dressed dolls 1951+
Blum-Lustig Toy Co. boudoir dolls 1924-1929 NYC
H. J. Blumberg Company, department store NYC
– sold 1960s Playpal type dolls marked AE
Bobbs-Merrill Co. doll mark 1968 TBM in 1903-1985
Bonnytex Products rubber squeak toys 1950s-1960s
Bonser Doll Co. cloth doll mark I am a Bonser Doll 1925-1930+
George Borgfeldt doll mark GB 1881-1959 NYC
Boston Pottery Company doll mark BPD Co 1920+
Boudoir Dolls 1920s-1930s
Boutique Travelers Inc. dolls 1970+ W. Palm Beach, FL
DeWitt C. Bouton cloth dolls 1899+
Jack Bouton & Co. composition doll 1901-1929+ NYC
Bouton-Woolf Company composition doll 1929+ NYC
Bradley Import Co. dolls 1954-1984, then Hasbro
Briar Patch Enterprises, Inc. black dolls 1980s+
Emma L. Bristol Doll Co. composition dolls 1860-1886-1900
Brookglad Creations, Glad Toy Co. dolls 1950s-1960s
Bev C. Brown House doll mark BCB 1983+
Hattie Bartholomay Bruckmann dolls 1917+ Portland
Albert Bruckner doll mark Pat’d July 8th 1901-1930
Buddy L Corporation Luv Buds dolls 1982+
Buddy Lee dolls 1920-1962
Butler Brothers Company dolls 1877-1935 Boston
Butterick sewing dolls & clothing patterns 1875+ NYC
Charlot Byj artist doll designer, figurines 1957-1988
– made for Byj by Goebel, marked a date on foot
C & C Doll Company dolls 1960s New York City, NY
CBS Toy Co. 1982-1987, then Viewmaster
Cabbage Patch Kids by Xavier Roberts cloth dolls 1977+
California Bisque Doll Co. doll mark CBDCo MS 1925+
California Doll Corporation doll mark CDC 1950s
Cameo Doll Company 1922-1970s NYC, PA
Elaine Cannon, artist of nut head folk dressed dolls 1930s-1950s
Carlson Doll Co. native American Indian dress-me dolls 1946-1997
Carnival character dolls 1912+
ND Cass & Co. doll mark Cass Athol, Mass Toys 1918-1927
Cast Distributing Corp. plastic dolls 1950s
Celluloid Novelty Company doll mark CNCo 1874-1891
Century Doll Co. doll mark CDCO 1909-1928
J. Cey Doll Co. doll mark J-Cey 1950s-1960s Brooklyn
Characteristics Doll Co. doll mark triangle symbol plastic dolls 1950s+
Martha Jenks Chase cloth dolls 1889-1981 Pawtucket
Dominico Checkeni wax doll mark Prosopotrope 1866-1885
– first American patent for a wax multi-face doll
Chessler Doll Company unmarked Mama dolls 1921-1930s
Children’s Novelty Co. by Frank A. Hays 1909-1910 Philly
– husband of Margaret Gebbie a sister of Grace Drayton
WA Cissna & Co. importers bisque doll mark Ruth 1897+
Citro Mfg. Company Polly Ponds advertising doll 1950s
Robert J. Clay mechanical baby doll patent 112550, Mar. 14, 1871
George Clarke creeping baby doll patent 118435, Aug. 29, 1871
Emma C. Clear doll mark 1944 Clear (1908-1944+)
– Clear’s Humpty Dumpty Doll Hospital doll mark HDDH
Cocheco Doll Co. cloth dolls mark Aug. 15th 1893 1827-1893+
Dewees Cochran Doll Company 1934-1970s
Herman Cohen composition doll 1920s-1949
L. Cohen & Sons doll mark Elco 1923-1929
Roxanna E. Cole cloth dolls 1860s-1930s
Harry H. Coleman walking doll 1917-1923
College House Comany cheerleader dolls 1966 NYC
Collingbourne Mills cloth dolls mark RBC 1920s
Colonial Toy Manufacturing Co. composition dolls 1915-1920
Columbia Doll & Toys Co. Chubby Kid doll 1917-1922
Emma Adams Colombian cloth dolls 1891-1910 NYC
Colombo Doll Company Inc. 1960s+ NYC
– walking dolls, glamour dolls plus others
Commonwealth Plastics Corp. dolls 1947-1994 MA
– made dolls for others Cosmopolitan, Ginny, Doll Bodies Commonwealth Toy & Novelty Co.1934-present NYC
Composition Doll Marks
Confetti Doll composition doll mark Confetti Dolls 1930s
Morton Converse & Son 1909-1926 Winchendon
– 1921 Siam Soo doll, Siamese dancer on a gramophone
Cook’s Flaked Rice cloth cutout doll 1899-1900
– advertising doll marked My name is Miss Flaked Rice
Co-Operative Mfg. Co. Joel Ellis dolls 1873-1874
Cosmopolitan Doll & Toy Ginger dolls 1949+
Creata Doll Mfg. Co. Barbie type dolls 1960s-1980s
Creations, Inc. Company cloth felt dolls 1970s
Creative Clay Cottage doll mark GM77, Geri Milano
– ceramic doll parts to make into a doll
Joseph David Cronan doll mark Mazel Tov 1919-1920
Bing Crosby Production, BCP Co. celebrity dolls 1945-1979
Crown Toy Mfg. Co. Disney composition doll mark PINOCCHIO, W. Disney Prods., Made in the U.S.A., Crown Toy Co. 1930s-1940s
A < B-C > D-E F-G H I-J-K L-M N-O-P Q-R S T U-Z